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Past News and Articles

From Hays Post: KSU Experiment Station barn served as barracks for WW II German POWs

2016 - This article includes a 43 minute video of a barn at the K-State Research Center in Hays and locals telling the story of the barn housing German prisoners of war in 1943. The video is filmed in the barn. A nice outdoor photo of the barn and the prisoners is shown at the end.

KBA News

In early February 2016, the KBA Board was honored to present a session at the Women Managing the Farm Conference in Manhattan, KS as well as being an exhibitor for the two day event.

Wild About Barns

Board Meeting in January included a visit to the Whitewater Falls Barn in Towanda. Duane and Amanda Busenitz are working on preserving this grand structure. See their story from Wild About Barns series episode #102

KBA featured on KCUR 89.3 FM's Central Standard

KBA featured in Grass & Grain newsweekly

Click below to download and read the article.

Historic Barns Surveyed

During the summer of 2007, the Kansas State Historical Society contracted with Brenda Spencer of Preservation Planning and Design to conduct a statewide survey of historic barns and to write a history of agriculture-related buildings in Kansas. As a direct result of this remarkable work, 7 barns or agricultural complexes were placed on the Kansas and National Registers of Historic Places.

The project involved surveying approximately 315 barns. The survey required physical access to the barns to allow visual and photographic documentation of the exterior and interior where possible. The survey is a means to identify the number and types of barns in our state and study their styles and construction in relation to settlement patterns and agricultural trends. This large survey provides the context for more barn and farmstead nominations. Several have been nominated since the project was finished.

Spencer grew up in Rogersville, Missouri and came to Kansas State University to attend the College of Architecture and Design. She lives on a small farm in rural Pottawatomie County. Christy Davis, a fifth-generation Kansan who grew up on a farm near Sedgwick, Kansas assisted in the project.


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