Listing Your Barn in the National Register of Historic Places
We encourage owners of barns or other agricultural structures who are interested in taking advantage of this project and preservation programs available through the Kansas Historical Society to nominate their properties for historic designation.
Listing in the Register of Historic Kansas Places or the National Register of Historic Places is the basic threshold to be eligible for incentive programs. The following checklist outlines the process for listing a barn (or any property) in the state or National Register of Historic Places.
Eligibility for Listing
You must determine whether your property is eligible for listing in the National Register. Although criteria do allow some former alterations, properties must generally portray the historic character to be eligible for listing.
- If your barn was part of the survey, contact KSHS to confirm that the barn was deemed eligible for listing.
- If your barn has not been surveyed, contact KSHS and you will receive a PSIQ form (Preliminary Site Investigation Questionnaire). Complete and submit the 2-page form, which requires a basic history and description of the property, along with interior and exterior photos. Owners will receive an official letter indicating whether the property is eligible for listing in the National Register.
If property is deemed eligible, move to step 2.
National Register Nomination
The barns project resulted in a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF) for Historic Agriculture-Related Resources in Kansas. Eligible barns can be nominated under this multiple property nomination. Nominating a property under this format is easier than individually listing a property but still requires completing a National Register nomination form-a 4 page cover form that is submitted with a statement of significance, a physical description of the property, and quality photographs. The MPDF provides a history of Kansas agriculture and identifies the most common types of barns in
Kansas. KSHS will provide owners with a sample of a similar nomination for a guide.
- Submit draft of National Register nomination
- KSHS staff review
- Address KSHS comments
When you have completed meeting the nomination requirements, it will be scheduled for the next quarterly Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review meeting.
Kansas Historic Sites Board of Review (HSBR)
Nominations approved by the board are officially listed in the Register of Historic Kansas Places following the meeting and forwarded to the National Park Service for listing in the National Register.
- Official listing in the NR will take several weeks but is typically a formality following approval by HSBR
National Register Listing
Properties listed in the state or National Register of Historic Places are eligible to take advantage of incentive programs through the Kansas Historical Society. Existing financial incentives include:
- Heritage Trust Fund-a competitive annual reimbursement grant program
- Kansas Rehabilitation Tax Credit-a state income tax credit equal to 25%of qualified expenditures on listed properties
- Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit-a federal income tax credit equal to 20% of qualified expenditures on income-producing properties
Visit the KSHS website at www.kshs.org or contact Jamee Fiore at 785-272-8681, ext.216, for more information on listing your barn in the National Register.
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